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One of the things I am doing at the moment is rusting steel lamps with the local coarse sea salt. I now have quite a collection of objects in my studio; it is difficult to distinguish between what is old and new and what is made by me or found. I like that confusion between old and new.

S: Does this mean that you are heading towards doing some more sculpture?

H: I would like to do more sculpture. Oyster Bed Man needs a wife! But I am always so busy making lamps.  Sometimes it all feels like a big struggle. Most things in life are a struggle, let’s face it. For me getting up in the morning is one of life’s big struggles!

On a good day, as I work away in my studio, I hear a voice in my head saying “You were born to do this”. Making lamps and working with simple, majestic materials like bronze and plaster. That is how it feels on the good days.

Visit Hannah's other website to
see her range of wall lights >